Sharp Brains
What We do
SharpBrains is a leading market research company focused on the brain fitness and cognitive health market. Our flagship annual report is The State of the Brain Fitness Software Market 2008. We also publish Special Reports and Updates for Premium Research Circle enterprise members. Here is a partial List of Clients, and here some Endorsements. SharpBrains was co-founded by executive Alvaro Fernandez and neuroscientist Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg., the firm's educational blog and website, is a member of Scientific American Partner Network.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide individuals, companies and institutions with independent, high-quality, research-based, information and guidance to navigate the growing cognitive and brain fitness market.
Our Story
Alvaro Fernandez (bio), our CEO, and Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg (bio, interview), our Chief Scientific Advisor, co-founded SharpBrains in 2005 to provide informational guidance in a growing and confusing marketplace.
SharpBrains is regularly featured in a variety of sources ranging from business publications (MarketWatch, Forbes, MSNBC), to scientific magazines (Scientific American Mind), to general media (New York Times, Newsweek, Chicago Tribune), and professional trade outlets (ABA Journal, The Complete Lawyer, IHRSA, Technology & Learning).
