Whole Foods Diet
Who We Are
The George Mateljan Foundation
for The World's Healthiest Foods
The George Mateljan Foundation for the World's Healthiest Foods was established by George Mateljan to discover, develop and share scientifically proven information about the benefits of healthy eating, and to provide the personalized support individuals need to make eating The World's Healthiest Foods enjoyable, easy, quick and affordable.
Our Independent Perspective
The Foundation is not-for-profit so we can offer an independent perspective that is not influenced by commercial interests. Our only purpose is to help you discover the many joys and benefits of healthy eating. We believe that the Foundation's independent perspective can help provide clear and easy-to-understand knowledge on how people of all ages and backgrounds can achieve and maintain their optimum physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.
Our Beliefs
The Foundation believes that true good health is more than just the absence of disease; it is a state where you enjoy all the energy, vitality and benefits life has to offer. One of the keys to achieving good health is to use the power of healthy foods to positively affect how you feel, how much energy you have, and the length and quality of your life. There is clear and definitive scientific evidence that proper nutrition plays an important and significant role in reducing the risk of degenerative diseases, and in providing long-term health and longevity.
We also believe that food not only has the power to provide good health, it also has the power to provide the pure joy of eating, and the joy of sharing with others. We recognize that each individual is unique, so we don't try to fit everyone into the same "food formula." Instead, we respect individuality and provide a wide variety of healthy food options. That way each individual can discover the personalized information, recipes, cooking methods and menu plans to meet his or her needs.
Our Mission
The Foundation's mission is to offer the latest scientific information about the benefits of the World's Healthiest Foods and the specific nutrients they provide. Equally important, we offer practical, simple and affordable ways to enjoy them that fit your individual lifestyle.
Our Focus
Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine said, "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food." The George Mateljan Foundation shares that goal and focuses on helping you use the power of food to achieve and maintain good health and the prevention of disease. Because George has devoted his life to discovering and understanding the benefits of healthy eating, he wants to share that knowledge with you. The Foundation's focus is to make the benefits and the true enjoyment of healthy foods easy, quick and affordable for you.
Our people
George Mateljan, Founder
Joseph E. Pizzorno, Jr., N.D. (SaluGenecists)
Buck Levin, Ph.D., R.D. (SaluGenecists)
Kerry Evans, Ph.D. (SaluGenecists)
Mary Lane, Chef
Kim J. Mayer, N.D., L.M.P. (SaluGenecists)
Lara Pizzorno, M.A.(Div.), M.A.(Lit.), L.M.T. (SaluGenecists)
Stephanie Gailing, M.S., C.N. (SaluGenecists)
Suzanne Munson, M.S., R.D. (SaluGenecists)
Tenji Cowan, Photographer
